Commercial Insurance

Commercial Insurance For the New Client

Commercial insurance is a whole different ball game – we’re talking about the livelihood of your business. There’s so much to consider when looking at commercial insurance options, including price. But we’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – cheaper is not always better. Sure, you could save some money going with a cheaper plan, but what will you gain?

Our commercial clients receive top notch service. Not only do we offer top of the line insurance products, but we also advise and educate our clients along the way. There could be situations with claims that can basically take you out of business. So, it’s important to make sure you have an agent you can trust, who does annual reviews, and offers you expert advise.

Our agency specializes in commercial insurance. We have specific programs for all types of businesses. Without a doubt, we can find the right coverage for your business and help prepare you for the unexpected.

Our approach:

No matter the type of commercial risk, our underwriting team gets the full picture before putting together a quote. Rather than trying to win you over from a price standpoint, we actually offer something of value to you. We won’t put together a policy for you and then backtrack. By doing the underwriting and inspections beforehand, we’re able to put together a policy and quote that makes sense for you from the get-go.

Your policy might include:

  • Cyber Liability – intended to protect businesses from Internet-based risks.
  • Employment Practice Liability – protects against employment-related claims, such as harassment, discrimination, wrongful termination, etc.
  • Business Income – covers loss of business income when a business isn’t able to generate income while operating.
  • Workman’s Comp – provides benefits to employees who suffer work-related illnesses or injuries.
  • Business Auto – provides coverage for company use of vehicles in the course of carrying out business.

Commercial Umbrella Insurance

Our agency also offers a commercial umbrella policy that provides you with coverage when your liability needs exceed your other policy limits. In other words, this type of insurance kicks in when your other policies have maxed out on their coverage. Without this type of coverage, you’d be paying out of pocket for expenses such as medical bills, attorney fees, and damage expenses.

No matter your commercial insurance needs, we can find the right policy for you. If you’d like to learn more, don’t hesitate to contact us! Our team is always ready to assist you.

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